Agenda item

Chair's Briefing


The Chair of the Authority provided the following verbal update to Members:


·         The advert for the recruitment for a Head of Resources was sent out at the end of August, with interviews to take place on the 18th October.

·         Suzanne Fletcher had been interviewed and appointed as Head of Landscape and Engagement.

·         He had attended the Chatsworth Country Fair with the Deputy Chair on the 1st September.

·         Together with the Deputy Chair he had  undertook the CEO staff appraisal on the 5th September.

·         Attended a Cultural Landscape Meeting which reviewed progress on various issues and included a presentation on artificial intelligence in the countryside, which could be a possible future topic for a Member Forum.

·         Participated in the Members Annual Tour on the 15th September to the Warslow Estate, which looked at issues and activities on the estate. Thanks to  Officers and staff involved with organising the day in particular Suzanne Fletcher, Chris Manby and the Moors for the Future Staff. 

·         Attended a meeting at Aldern House with Councillors from Derbyshire Dales. A  Member/Officer Working Party will take this forward on the issues raised.

·         Assisted with interviews on the 28th September  for the Head of Assets & Enterprise and an appointment offer has been made.

·         Attending the funeral of Paul Hamblin, Executive Director of NPE on October 3rd on behalf of the Authority.  Paul was very supportive of National Parks and our condolences go to his family.