Agenda item
Internal Audit Block 2 2021/22
Mr Ian Morton from the Internal Auditors, Veritau was welcomed to the meeting then presented his report and the agreed actions for consideration.
Ian Morton reported that no major concerns had been detected in the 3 audits contained within Block 2, and that generally all had good procedures in place. Managers had responded to actions that had been highlighted in the Business Continuity Audit which had received the highest level of Substantial Assurance.
The Interim CEO reported that the Business Continuity Plan (‘BCP’) had been implemented recently due to the extreme weather conditions, and that the process worked well, but that the BCP was constantly kept under review and that a post covid review would take place with any lessons to be learnt shared with Members.
The recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.
That the Internal Audit Reports for the three areas covered under Block 2 for 2021/22 Business Continuity, Visitor Centres and Income and Debtors (in appendices 1-3 of the report respectively) be received and the agreed actions accepted.
Supporting documents:
- InternalAudit block2 2021.22 V2, item 62/22 PDF 221 KB
- Appendix 1 PDNPA Business Continuity Final Audit Report, item 62/22 PDF 216 KB
- Appendix 2 - Internal Audit - Visitor Centres - Final Report, item 62/22 PDF 129 KB
- Appendix 3 - PDNPA Debtors and Income Internal Audit Report - Final, item 62/22 PDF 124 KB