Agenda item
Full Application - Proposed construction of pond to enhance wildlife, with surrounding protective sheep netting fence with barbed wire above plus small access gate, at Brosterfield Caravan Park, Foolow (NP/DDD/0522/0718, JK)
A motion to approve the application in accordance with the Officer recommendation was proposed and seconded put to the vote and carried.
To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions:
1. Statutory 3 year time limit for implementation.
2. Development to be carried out in full accordance with the submitted plans/specification and the post construction management plan.
3. During construction, any materials shall be stored off the ground to prevent amphibians from using these as a terrestrial habitat before works are complete
Supporting documents:
0522-0718_PDNPA APP Brosterfield Caravan Site POND JK, item 89/22
PDF 317 KB
Item 10 - Brosterfield Caravan Park, item 89/22
PDF 452 KB