Agenda item
Full Application - Proposed removal of existing building at western end of site, and replacement with a workshop and ancillary office, including the associated change of use at land south of Church Lane, Chelmorton (NP/DDD/0322/0396, MN)
Cllr Brady, Chair of the Committee left the room for the discussion of this item as he had declared a prejudicial interest and the Vice Chair, Mr Smith took the Chair.
Some Members of the Committee had visited the site the previous day.
The Planning Officer presented the report which outlined the reasons for approval. He advised that in the planning history section of the report, one application had been omitted – a refusal of an open market dwelling and workshop in 2021. He also confirmed that the 2021 refusal was being appealed and that if the appeal was upheld and this application was approved, the applicants would be able to choose which scheme they carried out.
Members noted that the proposed conditions addressed concerns which had been raised by the Parish Council.
A motion to approve the application in accordance with the Officer recommendation was moved and seconded, put to the vote and carried.
To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions:
1. 3 year time limit
2. In accordance with amended plans
3. Use as a workshop and ancillary office only, and for no other purpose, including for any ancillary retail sales or public showroom.
4. Any use of the approved workshop (excluding office use) shall take place only between the hours of 8am to 6pm on Mondays to Fridays and 9am to 1pm on Saturdays, with no use permitted on Sundays or on Bank or Public Holidays
5. No outdoor storage of materials or equipment, other than the parking of commuter vehicles associated with the occupation of the building
6. Provision of solar panels prior to first occupation
7. Design details
Supporting documents:
0322-0396_Church Lane Chelmortonbjt, item 86/22
PDF 328 KB
Item 7 - Land south of Church Lane, Chelmorton, item 86/22
PDF 459 KB