Agenda item
Full Application - Material unloading, conveying and storage facility and associated importation of shale substitute kiln feed material (ARM). This will also require the removal of a few elements of minor infrastructure and some vegetation at Hope Cement Works, Hope (NP/HPK/1020/0929, TE)
Some Members of the Committee had visited the site the previous day.
The Strategic Planning Manager presented the report, which outlined the reasons for approval.
The following spoke under the public participation scheme:
• Mr Ian Ord, on behalf of local residents and Hope Environmental and Rail Delegation
• Dr Ed Cavanagh, Cement Works Manager, on behalf of the Applicant, Breedon Cement
Members thanked the Strategic Planning Manager for a high quality, clear and detailed report.
In response to questions from Members, the Officer advised the following:
• Regarding the speed of trains, there was an advisory speed limit of 5mph which drivers endeavour to adhere to however it can be difficult depending on load and conditions. This was why the intention was to control the factors which can be a nuisance i.e. the noise and vibration, rather than just the speed.
• 88 decibels was a peak reading over a period of time, and the average noise will be lower. The noise level was below British Standard thresholds.
• The idling of engines occurs at Earles Sidings and was outside the control of the Applicant and the Authority. However there was a proposal in the report to establish a liaison committee which would meet twice a year and include all interested parties including residents, to try and address this issue.
• There would be no increase in lorry traffic
• That the S106 agreement would increase the certainty of the end date for the Works being 2042
• A catalytic converter type solution for the chimney had been looked into and would not decrease emissions significantly. It would also have an unacceptable visual impact.
• There was sufficient tree cover to provide adequate screening at present. The conditions required a landscape strategy. Potential loss of trees in the future from diseases could be considered as part of that.
• There was no capacity to process the limestone elsewhere as other Works nationally were all operating at capacity
• The current option is the most sustainable in terms of CO2 emissions
Members welcomed the proposed decrease in sulphur dioxide, the proposals for noise and traffic management and the consideration being given to planning for the end date of 2042. They also appreciated the positive effect that the cement works has on the local community as an employer and as a provider of leisure facilities. Members also felt that there was a benefit to other local ancillary businesses.
Whilst Members understood that the Cement Works was a high producer of carbon dioxide it was felt that moving the production elsewhere would not benefit national carbon reduction measures. It was also recognised that there was a national demand for cement.
A motion to approve the recommendation was moved and seconded put to the vote and carried.
To APPROVE the application subject to the completion of a S.106 agreement in substantially the same terms as outlined in the ‘S.106 Head of Terms’ section of the report, and subject to conditions covering the following broad areas (full draft conditions contained in Appendix A of the report).
1) Development in accordance with approved plans.
2) Development shall cease no later than the 22nd February 2042.
3) All built development approved under this consent shall be removed within 2 years of the cessation of operations and site restored within a further 2.
4) Maximum importation of ARM shall not exceed a combined total (wet and dry weight) of 450k tonnes p/a wet weight.
5) Maximum importation of ARM shall not exceed a combined total (wet and dry weight) of 361k tonnes p/a dry weight.
6) Monthly and annual records of the types and quantities, dry and wet weights of all ARM shall be kept and supplied to the MPA on an annual basis or on request.
7) A record of the annual amount of ARM imported to site shall be supplied to the MPA at the end of each calendar year and monthly records on request.
8) All ARM will be imported to the site by rail other than in the event of emergencies
9) Undergrounding of overhead power lines prior to use of ARM building.
10) Noise and vibration mitigation
11) Development to be carried out in accordance with Rail Management Handbook.
12) Ecological conditions
13) Lighting conditions
14) Environmental Health Conditions
15) Post approval monitoring of vibration caused by rail movements to ensure no significant divergence from levels stated in application submission.
16) Vibration levels shall not exceed those recorded in submission documents.
17) The site shall be restored in accordance with submitted restoration plan within 2 years of the cessation of development or by 22nd February 2044, whichever is the sooner.
18) The restoration shall be subject to 5 years annual aftercare.
19) Development in accordance with the Dust Management Plan
20) LEMP – replacement screen planting and mitigation of impact on heritage assets.
21) All buildings and conveyors consented under this development shall be finished in Olive-green BS 4800/ BS 4904/ BS5252 code 12.B.29.
22) CEMP – construction vehicle movements/controls
23) No train movements associated with the development (importation of ARM) on the branch line between 2300 – 0700.
24) No existing train movements to be pushed into 2300-0700 time slot as a result of this development.
25) Maximum 7 mainline rail deliveries of ARM per week to Earles Sidings.
26) Welding of track close to residential properties and removal of points prior to commencement of importation of ARM by rail.
27) Training scheme for train drivers.
28) Scheme for branch line vibration monitoring.
29) Rail vibration shall not exceed set limit.
30) Review of further rail noise reduction measures.
31) There shall be no importation of primary aggregates, industrial aggregates or virgin extracted material of any kind under this consent.
32) Set limits for movements on the branch line.
33) Acoustic screening at branch line.
34) Construction and demolition management plan (control vehicle movements and dust)
35) Best reasonable endeavours to reduce the carbon footprint of the Works will be undertaken when opportunities arise.
36) Annual records of CO2 emissions to be provided to the MPA.
37) Definition of ‘ARM’
38) Rail deliveries of construction materials shall not exceed more than 1 per day and will not push existing deliveries into night time hours.
39) Ecological enhancement measures.
40) Biodiversity net gain requirement and management
Supporting documents:
- 1020-0929_Hope Works ARM Rail Importationbjt, item 84/22 PDF 2 MB
- 1020-0929_Appendix A Draft Conditions, item 84/22 PDF 379 KB
- Item 5 - Hope Cement Works, item 84/22 PDF 737 KB