Agenda item

Local Development Scheme (AM)


The report was introduced by the Policy & Communities Team Manager who confirmed that approval was needed to publish the revised Local Development Scheme on the Authority’s website.


Publication of the information was a legal requirement and it was last published in 2016. Approval was being sought for the revised Scheme, which described the current suite of development plan documents and outlines a broad timetable for their review. This tied in with the Authority currently undertaking a review of its Local Development Plan which will result in combining the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies into one Local Plan.  


Members thanked the team for a clear and helpful document   A request to amend Part 9 of the report Local Development Scheme document ‘Management Process’ to identify the role of Members and Officers in the process was requested and accepted. 


It was highlighted that discussions would take place in the Local Plan Steering Group to work though the issues and options papers to be presented to Authority in February 2023.  A consultation platform had been purchased to help with the wider consultation process, the platform also included a link to GIS to aid understanding of locations.


A motion to approve the recommendations as set out in the report was moved.


Notes regarding the Local Development Scheme Document:


·         Paragraph 3.3 would be amended to clarify the relevance of the Core Strategy as it states that it was last analysed in 2013.

·         Paragraph 3.16, clarification was requested regarding the number of communities across the National Park that were and had benefited from assistance with Neighbourhood Plans as the number listed and stated did not match up.


Financial support for the work was still being received to enable Officers to continue the work.


The motion to approve the recommendation as set out in the report was seconded, put to the vote and carried.




1.    To approve the Local Plan Development Scheme (Appendix 1 of the report) subject to the bullet points in the preamble above, for publication on the Authority’s website.


2.    To note the timetable for the review of the Local Plan as set out in the Local Plan Development Scheme and at paragraph 6 of the report.


Supporting documents: