Agenda item
Full Application - Installation of new plant including, two payment machines, ANPR camera and associated infrastructure at Langsett Barn Car Park, Langsett (NP/B/0622/0824, KW)
The Area Team Manager introduced the report and provided an update as a letter had been received from Miriam Cates MP which mirrored comments already received from those opposed to the application such as the possible impact on local people of cars parking on the road to avoid paying which could cause restricted access for emergency vehicles.
The Area Team Manager also reported that a similar application had been refused by Barnsley MBC for a nearby car park owned by Yorkshire Water but just outside the National Park, the refusal was on the grounds of detriment to the Green Belt landscape and that Barnsley MBC felt that it was difficult to substantiate the concerns regarding displaced parking as a reason for refusal.
The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:
· Cllr Peter Horner, Objector, Langsett Parish Council
· Tom Rimmer, Yorkshire Water
Members noted that the car park needed to be maintained and that the charges for parking would contribute towards the cost of this. The Area Team Manager confirmed that the plans included three disabled parking bays.
A motion to approve the application in line with the Officer recommendation was moved.
Members noted the concerns of local residents and that Yorkshire Water had the right to charge for parking by other means if this application was not approved. Members requested that the applicant continued to engage with the local residents to monitor the impact of the charges.
A motion to approve the application in line with Officer recommendation was seconded.
Members requested an additional condition requiring the applicant to engage in substantive, holistic discussions and to collect data on parking in and outside the car park.
The condition was welcomed by the Members who had moved and seconded the approval.
That the application was APPROVED subject to the following conditions:
1. 3 year implementation time limit.
2. Carry out in accordance with the defined submitted plans.
3. Engage in substantive, holistic discussion and data collection.
That the Authority welcomes Yorkshire Water’s stated intention to continue to work with local authorities and parish councils regarding on-street parking issues and requests that a written statement be agreed with Officers outside the planning process setting out precisely how they propose to liaise closely with the local community, Highway Authority and this Authority over initiatives to better manage visitor parking on local roads and within the village.
Footnote – Re signage is subject to a separate consent regime under the Advertisement Regulations.
Supporting documents:
- 0622-0824_Langsett committee report_05-09-2022, item 110/22 PDF 352 KB
- Item 6 - Langsett Barn Car Park, item 110/22 PDF 447 KB