Agenda item
S73 Application - For the removal or variation of Condition 2 and 3 no NP/K/0421/0422 for change of use of dwellinghouse and cottage (C3 USE) to residential care accommodation (C2 Use) at Hardern Moss Country House, Greenfield Road, Holmfirth (NP/HPK/0322/0422, JK
The Area Team Manager introduced the report which was to vary 2 conditions that had been granted on a previous application in 2021, both of which were small internal variations to create an additional bedroom to accommodate a seventh person in care. It would be a minor acceptable increase in the scale of the business which would not involve any noticeable increase in comings and goings, any external changes to the building, staffing increases or changes to the parking area, so were considered acceptable within the Authority’s policies.
The Officer informed Members that although there had been a number of concerns to the application from local residents, these were mainly concerning the management of the property, and that these were covered by a different authority. There were however, 2 aspects of concern that were of relevance to the Authority and they were regarding the travel plan, which was a condition on the previous approved application and floodlighting which the Officer reported that the Monitoring & Enforcement Team were investigating.
The following spoke under the public participation scheme:
· Mr Joe Flanagan, Agent and Mr Moh Kas, Applicant, who shared the 3 minute speaking allocation.
A motion to approve the application in accordance with Officer recommendation, was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions;
1. Commence development within 3 years.
2. Carry out in accordance with specified amended plans.
3. The premises shall be used for the provision of residential accommodation to a maximum of 7 persons in need of care (other than a use within class C3 (dwelling houses) and for no other purposes (including any other purpose in Class C2 of the schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 or in any order revoking and re-enacting that order).
4. No external lighting shall be installed other than in accordance with a scheme that shall first be submitted for prior written approval by the Authority.
5. Operation of the use in accordance with the approved travel plan.
6. Parking shall be restricted to the spaces within the internal yard area only.
Supporting documents:
- 0322-0422_Harden Moss Country House JK, item 100/22 PDF 255 KB
- Item 8 - Harden Moss Country House, Holmfirth, item 100/22 PDF 449 KB