Agenda item
Full Application - Erection of a pair of semi-detached affordable local needs dwellings at land off Recreation Road, Tideswell (NP/DDD/0222/0190, JK)
The report was introduced by the Area Team Manager who provided an update from the Policy Team who had confirmed that the proposed occupants of the two dwellings met the qualifying criteria for affordable housing. This information had been received following the deferral from previous Planning Committees.
The location of the site and the design of the houses was acceptable and the recommendation for refusal was solely based on the size of one of the properties which exceeds the size set out in the policy for a home for two people (Development Management policy DMH1). The Planning Officer had contacted the agent to request amended plans for a reduction in size to comply with policy but this option had been declined.
The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:
· Sharon Bates, Applicant
Members were minded to support the application on the grounds that the larger building would provide room for the family to grow and encourage them to stay within the Peak District National Park. Members supported the need to retain young people within the National Park.
A motion to approve the application contrary to Officer recommendation was moved and seconded.
Members raised concerns regarding proposals that did not fit with the Authority’s framework and policies and that clarity was needed on what was ‘needed‘ and what was ‘wanted’. The Authority had already introduced a flexibility to the size of affordable homes (through an agreed Practice Note) but this proposal had requested a further increase in addition. The impact on policy needed to be considered when applications were approved outside of the guidance.
Members discussed the implication of approving the plans as presented on the landscape, future applications and applications that had been approved as they were in line with the policy and guidelines.
The Area Team Manager provided a list of conditions and also confirmed that approval would be subject to the prior entry into the Authority’s standard local needs affordable dwelling Section 106 agreement to ensure the dwelling remained affordable in perpetuity with occupancy tied to local need with the applicants as the first occupiers. A motion to approve the application contrary to Officer recommendation with prior entry into a Section 106 and conditions was voted on and carried.
That the Application be APPROVED subject to the prior entry into the Authority’s standard local need affordable dwelling Section 106 agreement to ensure the dwelling remained affordable in perpetuity with occupancy tied to local need with the applicants as the first occupiers and to the following conditions:
1. Commencement of development within two years
2. Carry out in accordance with specified amended plans
3. Withdraw PD rights for extensions, alterations, wall, fences and garden buildings
4. Agree detailed landscaping for hard and soft works including external lighting scheme and bin dwell area.
5. Detailed design requirements regarding verge and eaves details, rain water goods, agreeing a sample panel of stone work (incl quoins) and traditional unpainted render and sample slate,off-white windows and painted timber front doors etc.
6. Provide and maintain the two parking spaces at the specified 2.4m x 5.5m (highway authority dimensions) before occupation.
7. Agree WSI for scheme of archaeological monitoring of the groundwork and scheme for retention and maintenance of drystone field wall boundaries.
8. Ecology conditions as per report.
9. Submit and agree scheme of waste disposal and spoil removal from the site.
10. Submit and agree the precise finished ground floor level relative to known datum shown on detailed cross site section plan.
11. Underground services.
12. External render to remain unpainted during the lifetime of the development.
Supporting documents:
- 0222-0190_ Revised report for Affordable dwellings off Recreation Road Tideswell JK, item 108/22 PDF 426 KB
- Item 4 - Land off Recreation Road, Tideswell, item 108/22 PDF 369 KB