Agenda item
Full Application - Extension of existing gritstone barn and demolition of redundant agricultural building to form one dwelling at Shatton Farm, Shatton Lane, Shatton (NP/HPK/0722/0888 SW)
The Head of Planning introduced the item which had previously been submitted in February 2022 when Members had visited the site. Issues regarding the removal of spoil from the site and the impact on the neighbours had been raised at that meeting and Officers had requested a more detailed plan. Following discussions with the applicant a revised application had been received with an improved design and clearer information about the disposal of spoil and waste from the site. Additional conditions were proposed to facilitate this and respond to design concerns including returning altered openings in the existing barn to their original size.
Members also requested that condition 3 stated that as much reclaimed stone would be used in the building and that further conditions be added added to clarify the drainage on the plan for the site, details of location of ground source heat pump, rainwater goods, details of hard and soft landscape and external lighting.
A motion to approve the application in line with Officer Recommendation with additional and strengthened conditions was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
The application was APPROVED subject to the following conditions:
1. Statutory time limit.
2. Development in complete accordance with the submitted plans, subject to the following:
3. All new stonework shall be in natural, reclaimed stone faced, laid and pointed to match the existing stonework. Agree sample.
4. Agree slate sample.
5. Window and door details to be agreed.
6. Precise details of glazing of link to be agreed.
7. Design details.
8. Location of earth spoil disposal and method of restoration to be agreed, avoiding ridge and furrow features. No building materials from the existing building group to be disposed of on neighbouring land.
9. Submission of a waste disposal management plan (to include hours of work, vehicle trips etc)
10. Withdraw permitted development rights for extensions, alterations, means of enclosure, ancillary buildings.
11. Implement climate change/environmental management measures.
12. Highways Conditions
13. Details of drainage plans to be agreed
14. Agreement of location of Air Source Heat Pump on site.
15. Details of proposed rainwater goods to be agreed
16. Details of hard and soft landscaping and external lighting to be agreed.
Supporting documents: