Agenda item
Annual Report on Member Learning & Development
The Democratic Services Manager (the ‘DSM’) introduced the report which set out the Member Learning and Development Framework and the proposals for the next annual programme of Member learning and development events for January to December 2023. The DSM reported that although the Member Learning Champion, Cllr Becki Woods, had sent her apologies for this meeting, she had been consulted on the report and had commented that she wished to encourage all Members to have a Personal Development Plan, to support the Buddy system and to attend the UK National Parks Member induction.
Two Members Cllr Greaves and Miss Slack, had just returned from the UK National Parks Member induction event and confirmed that it had been very useful, having offered many opportunities to learn about other National Parks and their approach.
Members expressed concern that the training programme should not cause an undue burden on Officers, there was a suggestion that a standard approach across National Parks could be beneficial, and that this could be done via increased online training. The Essential Planning Training was considered to have been very useful, but several sessions had to be held to ensure all Members could attend. Officers confirmed that learning from internal staff briefings would be used to standardise planning training in the coming year to reduce the burden on Officers.
Members agreed that although there was no specific sanction in place for Members who do not attend training, training labelled as “essential” should be considered as just that and that a good level of training was necessary to equip Members with the skills to carry out their role.
The recommendations, as set out in the report, were moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
1. To agree the Member Learning and Development Framework (Appendix 1 of the report) and the events programme for January to December 2023 as set out in Appendix 2 of the report.
2. To continue to record Member learning and development activities in terms of hours and include personal learning and development by Members outside of events organised by the Authority, with the target of 20 hours per Member in every 12 months.
Supporting documents:
- Committee Report Learning Development, item 90/22 PDF 211 KB
- Member Learning and Development Framework-Appendix 1 for Annual Report on Member Learning and Development, item 90/22 PDF 159 KB
- Timetable Member Learning and Development 2023 Appendix 2, item 90/22 PDF 388 KB