Agenda item
Adoption of the National Park Management Plan 2023-28 and Authority Plan 2023-28
The report, which sought approval to adopt the National Park Management Plan (‘NPMP’) 2023-28 and Authority Plan 2023-28, was introduced by the Chief Executive (‘CEO’).
The CEO, and the Deputy Chair of the Authority who chairs the National Park Management Plan Task and Finish Group, thanked Officers and Members for their work on the NPMP and Authority Plan.
This was endorsed by the Chair who advised that he and the CEO would be promoting the NPMP in upcoming meetings with key partners.
It was expected that DEFRA, in the New Year would be producing Guidance for NPMP’s and in addition an outcome framework which intends to establish targets for Protected Landscapes and the NPMP could be revised in the light of these if it was deemed necessary.
A motion to approve the recommendations as set out in the report was moved.
Members raised the following points:
- The NPMP being central to objective setting for Officers was welcomed and it was suggested that this could be tied in with improvements to the process for the assessment of Member performance, if Member’s objectives were also linked to the NPMP.
- On page 67 of the Authority Plan, Objective 10 regarding Thriving and Sustainable Communities should be worded more broadly than “housing authorities” as housing is also provided by other organisations and by individuals. “Housing providers” would be more reflective of the situation which was accepted by Officers.
- On page 19, it should be stated in the target as well as in the objective, that it refers to emissions within the Authority’s influence.
- It was suggested that Objective 2, on page 19, should lead the Authority to reconsider its current approach to funding the Moors for the Future Partnership.
Members asked what the role of the Management Plan Advisory Group would be in the future. The CEO advised that the Group was constituted for the term of the current Management Plan and its future role would be considered, in consultation with the Group, in due course.
The motion to approve the recommendations was seconded, put to the vote and carried.
1. To adopt the Peak District National Park Management Plan 2023- 28 provided at Appendix 1 of the report.
2. To adopt the Authority Plan 2023-28 provided at Appendix 2 of the report.
3. That any changes needed in the final National Park Management Plan 2023-28, as a result of giving partners notice to adopt the Plan, are delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Authority.
Supporting documents:
Final Authority Report NPMP and AP Adoption, item 98/22
PDF 217 KB
NPMP, item 98/22
PDF 969 KB
Authority Plan, item 98/22
PDF 928 KB