Agenda item
Full Application - Change of use to a holiday let. Removal of bay windows and restoration of windows and railings. Removal of air handling units and ductwork. Alterations as detailed on drawings. Replacement windows including Toll Bar Cottages, Castleton (NP/HPK/0822/1030, KW)
This item was brought forward on the agenda due to the registered speakers having arrived.
Item 12 was dealt with at the same time as Item 13, but the votes were taken separately.
Some Members of the Committee had visited the site the previous day.
The report was introduced by the Area Team Manager, who informed Members that it was brought before the Committee as the Parish Council had objected to the proposal stating that there was a need for more local affordable housing and not more holiday lets.
Whilst there was ab argument that this property would not be suitable for local affordable housing, due to its size, and the cost of the enhancement works required, this in fact did not prejudice its use for a single person or couple if Members were minded to support affordable housing use instead then there was no need for a local occupancy clause, as our policies support conversion to market dwellings where necessary to achieve conservation and enhancement of a heritage asset, however Members would need to agree to delegate the decision to the Head of Planning as the description of the development would need to be amended to read “dwelling” rather that state specifically “holiday use” so that the applicant could then change the occupancy to residential at a later date if needed.
The Officers also confirmed that a condition to agree details of the new windows should be added to the recommendation, together with rewording of condition 4 concerning the recording of the potential buried archaeology when the ground excavations are carried out.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Cllr N Topping, Parish Councillor, Objector
· Mr S Gedye, Agent
A motion to refer the application back to Officers and to delegate approval of the application to the Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Committee was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
Supporting documents:
- 0822-1030_Committe report_Toll Bar gift shop JK Checked, item 10/23 PDF 397 KB
- Item 12 - Toll Bar Gift Shop, Castleton, item 10/23 PDF 355 KB