Agenda item
Listed Building Consent Application - Change of use to a holiday let. Removal of bay windows and restoration of windows and railings. Removal of air handling units and ductwork. Alterations as detailed on drawings. Replacement windows including Toll Bar Cottage, Castleton. (NP/DDD/0822/1031, KW)
This item was discussed by Members as part of agenda item 12. Please see full minute in detail in minute 10/23 above.
A motion to approve the application for the proposed works to a listed building in accordance with the Officer recommendation, was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
That the application is APPROVED subject to the following conditions:
1) 3-year time limit
2) In accordance with the submitted plans
3) Submit for written approval the details and methodology of the insulation to the roof and first floor window soffit.
4) Submit for written approval further information on the construction of the first-floor partition wall and the impact of soundproofing on the fabric.
5) Submit for written approval full details of window and door finishes in accordance with conservation officer comments.
6) Submit for written approval samples of any new stonework used in the forecourt wall and ground floor windows.
7) Building recording condition including recording potential buried archaeology during excavations in the rear yard - via Written Scheme of Investigation in accordance details specified in conservation officer comments and approved in writing.
Supporting documents:
- 0822-1031_Committe report LBC_Toll Bar gift shop JK CHECKED, item 11/23 PDF 304 KB
- Item 13 - Toll Bar Gift Shop, Castleton, item 11/23 PDF 358 KB