Agenda item
Full Application - Conversion and change of use of existing barn and yard into residential use C3 at Stanley Lodge, Great Hucklow (NP/DDD/0822/1079 WE)
This item was brought forward on the agenda as the registered Speaker had arrived.
The report was introduced by the Planning Area Manager who informed Members that this was a variation of the scheme that was approved in 2021 with the removal of the lean-to extension, and that whilst the design of the lean-to extension had been amended, the Officers were concerned on the impact on the non-designated heritage asset.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Ms C McIntyre, Agent
Members felt that the proposed lean-to extension did not conserve or enhance the original outbuildings.
A motion to refuse the application in accordance with the Officer recommendation was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:
1. The proposed conversion including the lean-to extension on the western elevation of the barn would harm the significance of the non-designated heritage asset by introducing a modern extension to the traditional barn which would erode the original form and character of the outbuilding. It would therefore detract from the significance of the non-designated heritage asset and would not therefore meet the required conservation and/or enhancement test within housing policy HC1C which enables the conversion of suitable ‘valued vernacular’ buildings to form new dwellings. The proposal is therefore contrary to policies GSP1, GSP3, L3, HC1C, DMC3, DMC5, DMC10, DMH8, the NPPF and the Conversion of Historic Buildings SPD.
2. By virtue of the proposed development’s scale, it is considered that the proposal would not constitute an ancillary dwellinghouse. In the absence of a clear and robust justification for its size, it would not be subordinate to Stanley Lodge Farmhouse and would instead constitute a separate planning unit. It is therefore contrary to policy DMH5 and the Residential Annexes Supplementary Planning Document.
Supporting documents:
- 0822-1079_Stanley Lodge Committee Report2 JK Checked, item 9/23 PDF 365 KB
- Item 11 - Stanley Lodge, Great Hucklow, item 9/23 PDF 337 KB