Agenda item
External Audit 2021/22 Annual Report
The report, which asked Members to consider the External Auditors 2021/22 Annual Report was presented by Mark Surridge of Mazars LLP..
The Head of Finance advised that the two internal control recommendations which had been made regarding the segregation of duties and the fixed asset register were accepted, and that steps were being taken to mitigate the risk in that the Head of Law & Monitoring Officer will conduct a review of the significant year end journals.. However, to fully implement the recommendations the Authority would have to invest in a new finance system and a new IT solution for assets, both of which were being looked at with a view to procurement in the next 12 months. The resource implications of this would form part of the wider proposed organisational review.
The recommendations set out in the report were moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
1. To note the 2021/22 External Auditors Annual Audit Report as set out in Appendix 1 of the report.
2. To note that the letter of management representation at Appendix A within Appendix 1 of the report needed to be signed by the Chief Finance Officer
Supporting documents:
- 2021-22 External Audit Completion Report, item 7/23 PDF 291 KB
- Appendix 1 2021-22 Audit Completion Report - PDNPA (FINAL), item 7/23 PDF 430 KB