Agenda item
Internal Audit Report Block 2022/23
The report, which presented to Members the Internal Auditors recommendations for the first block on the 2022/23 Internal Audits and the agreed actions for consideration, was presented by Ian Morton of Veritau.
The highest level of assurance, substantial assurance was gained in three of the four audits – complaints, procurement/creditors and payroll. The Head of Law advised that with regards to Occupational Safety and Health being given reasonable assurance, the issues outlined in the audit had been responded to by the Authority and were being progressed by the Head of People Management. This had been discussed in detail at the Programmes and Resources Committee which had recently received and approved the Occupational Safety and Health Policy.
Ian Morton confirmed that the Authority had provided a satisfactory response for the issues identified in the audit. There had been some issues with training records which had been due to the system used to record them, which had now been resolved.
Members queried whether casual staff received the same level of training as contract staff, and were advised by the Chief Executive that he would provide a written response.
The recommendations set out in the report were moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
That the Internal Audit reports for the four areas covered under Block 1 for 2022/23: Payroll, Occupational Safety & Health, Procurement/Creditors and Complaints (in Appendices’ 1- 4 of the report), be received and the agreed actions considered and approved.
Supporting documents:
- Draft Internal Audit report Block 1 2022-23 updated, item 10/23 PDF 222 KB
- Appenix 1 v2 PDNPA Payroll Internal Audit Final Report, item 10/23 PDF 132 KB
- Appendix 2 PDNPA Health Safety - Final Report V2, item 10/23 PDF 156 KB
- Appendix 3 Creditors and Procurment Final Audit Report 16.01.23, item 10/23 PDF 128 KB
- Appendix 4 Internal Audit PDNPA - Complaints - Internal Audit Final Report, item 10/23 PDF 123 KB