Agenda item

Car Parks Review - Consultation Outcomes


The report, which updated Members on the outcomes of the Byelaw and Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) consultation and sought approval to continue the process to implement the 2021 Car Park Review was presented by the Interim Head of Asset Management who requested that the names of the visitors and holiday permits were amended to more accurately reflect their purpose to annual and weekly permits respectively.


A motion to approve the recommendations as set out in the report was moved.


In response to questions from Members the Interim Head of Asset Management confirmed that:


·         Enforcement would continue to be carried out under the Derbyshire Enforcement Partnership, who retain the income from any fines.

·         The new ticket machines will not take cash and older ones that do will be phased out.

·         Payment could be made via the RingGo app.

·         All proposed charging sites had been tested for phone signal viability.

·         Authority signage had reduced irresponsible parking, e.g. on verges, around North Lees and this could be reproduced elsewhere if necessary.


The motion was seconded.


Members asked who would pay for additional parking control measures that may be required to prevent irresponsible parking, such as bunds or thin yellow lines.  Officers advised that the bunds at North Lees had been paid for by the Authority as they were on Authority land.  Yellow lines would be the responsibility of the County Council Highways department and any such scheme would involve a consultation process.  The landscape impact would also have to be considered.


It was also confirmed that provision had been made to prevent overnight parking in the affected car parks.


The motion for approval of  the recommendations was put to the vote and carried.




1.    To note the consultation feedback and Officers’ responses to that feedback.


2.    To continue the processes to implement the proposed increase in charges and the introduction of charging to the additional proposed car parks as approved, by requesting DEFRA to confirm the amended Byelaws and requesting Derbyshire County Council to make the Traffic Regulation Order (subject to its own approval processes).



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