Agenda item

Chair's Briefing


The Chair of the Authority provided the following verbal update to Members:


·         Attended the funeral of Paul Hamblin, former Executive Director of NPE on October 3rd on behalf of the Authority.

·         Attended the Parishes Day on October 7th which was well worth attending and urged Members to consider attending in the future.

·         Attended Board Meeting of National Parks England.

·         Attended Members workshops on People & Finance and Planning.

·         Attended Hartington Village Trail 10th Anniversary which is a fine example of a Thriving Community.

·         Met with Jayne Butler the new Executive Director of National Parks England.

·         Joined a Questions & Answers session with DEFRA on Teams regarding the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill.

·         Attended a meeting of the Derbyshire Archaeology Society regarding the ACID magazine.

·         Along with the Chief Executive met with DCC (Cllr Barry Lewis & Cllr Caroline Renwick) regarding sustainable transport.

·         Local Plan meetings regarding housing provision and development.

·         Met with Chief Executive of Chesterfield Borough Council regarding transport.

·         Met with Council of Europe Assessors regarding renewal of diploma.

·         Met with the Peakland Environmental Farmers Group.

·         Met with Hope Valley Climate Action Group.