Agenda item

Roll Call of Members Present, Apologies for Absence and Members Declarations of Interest


Item 5


Cllr Huddlestone, Cllr McCloy, Mr Smith and Cllr Priestley  declared an interest as they had received an email from the Agent following the previous Planning Committee.


Item 6


Cllr Brady declared an interest as he knew Ms Stephenson but had not discussed the application.


Cllr Chapman declared a personal and prejudicial interest as he was a near neighbour and had discussed the application with the applicant and would withdraw from the meeting during discussion and voting on this item.


Item 7


All Members declared an interest as the grandfather of the applicant was previously a Member of the Peak District National Park Authority


Cllr Brady and a number of other Members declared an interest as Sir Richard Fitzherbert (speaking in support of the application) was known to them but they had not discussed the application.


Item 8


Cllr Brady declared an interest as  the agent Jim Mundy had acted as the Planning Agent for him around six or seven years ago.  Cllr Chapman also had engaged the agent in the past. They had not discussed the application.


Items 10 – 16


All Members declared an interest as the car parks were owned by the Peak District National Park Authority.