Agenda item Agenda item Reports from Outside Bodies Meeting of National Park Authority, Friday 17th March 2023 10.00 am (Item 25/23) This matters?The number of people this matters to is 0Share this itemShare with TwitterShare with FacebookShare with Google+ Minutes: The report regarding the Deputy Chair of the Authority’s attendance at the East Midlands Council General meeting was noted by Members. RESOLVED To note the report. Supporting documents: Outside Body Feedback from Mr Berresford, item 25/23 PDF 257 KB
Agenda item Reports from Outside Bodies Meeting of National Park Authority, Friday 17th March 2023 10.00 am (Item 25/23) This matters?The number of people this matters to is 0Share this itemShare with TwitterShare with FacebookShare with Google+ Minutes: The report regarding the Deputy Chair of the Authority’s attendance at the East Midlands Council General meeting was noted by Members. RESOLVED To note the report. Supporting documents: Outside Body Feedback from Mr Berresford, item 25/23 PDF 257 KB