Agenda item
Full Application - Single Storey Extensions, internal alterations and replacement Garage at Greystones, High Street, Calver (NP/DDD/0821/0848/SW)
The Planning Officer introduced the report which outlined the objection to the extension to the front of the building which was contrary to design guidelines. There were also concerns regarding the cladding in the design which was not in keeping with local materials, and the large windows which would have an adverse impact on the conservation area. Officers had advised the applicant to make the changes prior to bringing the report to the Committee but this advice had not been taken.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Tim Ward – Supporter
· Richard Cronin, Applicant & Jim Mundy, Agent to share the 3 minute allocation.
Members noted the design guide issues and the dominance of the extension to the main house. Other issues with the proposal were noted by Members including the fenestration/cladding/roofing/eaves/soffits and the question was asked if the extension would be subordinate to the house?
A motion to approve the application contrary to the Officer recommendation was moved and seconded on the grounds that the proposal would be an improvement on the current situation.
The Planning Officers agreed that improvements to the design could be made and the Agent had shown that they were mindful to make the changes suggested by Officers including the use of traditional render.
It was suggested that a decision regarding the application would be delegated following further discussions between the Planning Officers and the Agent and only brought back if agreement could not be reached.
A motion to defer the decision and delegate it to the Head of Planning following further discussions regarding the application design was moved.
The motion to approve the application contrary to Officer recommendation was withdrawn.
A motion to defer the application for further discussion and to delegate to Officers the decision was seconded, put to the vote and carried.
That the application be DEFERRED to allow for further discussion between the Officer and the Applicant/Agent to take place and for the decision to be delegated to the Head of Planning.
Supporting documents:
- 0821-0848_CTTE Report Greystone Calver2, item 23/23 PDF 530 KB
- Item 10 - Greystones, Calver, item 23/23 PDF 423 KB