Agenda item
Full Application - For Installation of Solar Powered Car Park Machine and associated base, pedestrian area and signage - High Peak Trail Car Park,Friden (NP/DDD/1122/1453 DH)
The Planning Officer introduced the report and confirmed that the signage was not part of the application, these would be dealt with separately.
Members asked for clarification regarding whether the grass verge, often used for parking, would be subject to parking charges. The Planning Officer confirmed that the Applicant will be informed of the concerns.
A motion to approve the application in line with Officer recommendation to approve the application was moved and seconded, voted on and carried.
That the application is APPROVED subject to the following conditions:
1. Statutory Time Limit
2. The development to be in accordance with the submitted specification received 18/11/2022 and the amended site plan received 14/12/22.
Supporting documents: