Agenda item
Full Application - For Installation of Solar Powered Car Park Machine and associated base, pedestrian area and signage - Upper Burbage Car Park, Ringinglow Road, Stanage, Sheffield (NP/HPK/1222/1608 - EJ)
The Planning Officer introduced the report.
Members raised concerns regarding the colour scheme of the signage. The Planning Officer confirmed that due to the size of the signs approval was not required but that the Applicant would be advised of the request. Concerns were also raised regarding the installation of yellow lines in a sensitive landscape.
The Property Team, who has submitted the applications on behalf of the Authority, confirmed that monitoring the payment of parking will be carried out as part of the Authority’s partnership with Derbyshire County Council.
A motion to approve the application in line with the Officer recommendation was moved and seconded, voted on and carried.
That the application is APPROVED subject to the following conditions:
1. Commence development within 3 years.
2. Carry out in accordance with specified amended plans which relocate the tickets machine east-wards to within the verge beside the footpath gate into the adjacent moorland to avoid the underground pipeline easement.
Supporting documents:
1222-1608_Upper Burbage Car Park Comittee ReportJK Checked, item 29/23
PDF 325 KB
Item 16 - Upper Burbage Car Park, item 29/23
PDF 391 KB