Agenda item

Organisational Change Proposal (PM)


The report which highlighted the key issues, and gave background to the confidential Part B item on organisational change, was presented by the Chief Executive.


The following spoke under the public participation scheme:


·         Maria Kenyon, Castleton Historical society


The Chair had been passed a petition regarding the potential closure of the visitor centres.


Members noted that this was a proposal for a consultation, rather than a final decision and that the proposals related to the whole of the organisation.


The Chief Executive advised that alternative uses of the visitor centres and alternative ways of interacting with visitors were being explored, and conversations were taking place with partners.  It was hard to directly compare the situation with that of other National Parks but some were reviewing their visitors centres, e.g. Dartmoor NP where closure had been considered, but a one year extension had been given for their operation.


Members recognised the situation in Castleton with regards to the Historical Society’s position in the visitor centre, and that the centre had an educational role.  The role visitor centres played in giving a personal touch to visitor advice was mentioned.


A motion to approve the recommendations was moved and seconded, voted on and carried.




To support the proposal to commence formal consultation on organisational changes with discussion on the proposals and financial impacts to be held in the confidential part of the meeting.


Supporting documents: