Agenda item
Full Application - Extension to dwelling at Pippin Cottage, The Barn, Church Street, Eyam (NP/DDD/0323/0260, WE)
Some Members had visited site the previous day.
The report was presented by the Planning Officer who outlined the reasons for refusal as set out in the report.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Jane Newman- Agent
Members requested clarification as to the heritage importance of the building. Officers advised that it was not listed but it was considered to be a non designated heritage asset due to being a traditional building of merit, therefore Authority policy supported its conservation and enhancement. Comments had not been provided from the Authority’s Cultural Heritage Team as due to capacity issues they were only providing comments on listed (i.e. designated) properties.
It was noted that no comments had been received from the Parish Council.
Members discussed the proposed glazed link that would join the original building and the proposed extension. It was felt that this was a good solution which maintained the integrity of the original building. It was suggested that weight should also be placed on the socio economic contribution of the applicant and her business, to the village.
A suggestion was made, but not taken up, that the proposed French doors were not in keeping with the original building and that they should be replaced with windows.
A motion to approve the application, contrary to Officer recommendation was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.
To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions:
1. Standard 3 year commencement period 2. In accordance with specified plans 3. More details to be provided of the junction of the link structure with the original building 4. Materials to match existing 5. Minor design details to match existing and a sample panel to be provided. 6. Minor design details to match existing |
Supporting documents:
0323-0260_The Barn Eyam Committee Reportbjt, item 57/23
PDF 341 KB
Item 6 - The Barn, Eyam, item 57/23
PDF 381 KB