Agenda item
Full Application - Erection of farm worker's dwelling with associated landscaping and ground source heat pump at Fields Farm, Onecote Road, Onecote, (NP/SM/0722/0909, SC)
The report was presented by the Planning Officer who outlined the reasons for approval as set out in the report.
Members asked whether the ground source heat pump would protrude above the ground in the field and Officers advised it would be buried.
Members congratulated Officers for securing amendments through negotiation with the applicant. They also requested clarification as to why the commencement period was 2 years rather than 3. Officers advised that this was usual in this type of application where circumstances could change easily.
Members asked if Officers knew the size of the family that would be housed in the proposed property. Officers confirmed that they had not requested this information. Some Members expressed concerns that there may be an inconsistency between the planning policies governing agricultural workers dwellings and those governing local needs houses and floor space limits.
It was stated in the report that the Authority had received a solicitors’ letter relating to the farm access, the contents of which were considered to be a civil matter and not a planning consideration. Members asked if this might result in the development not taking place. Officers advised that it was unlikely that it would prevent planning permission being issued, and only if it transpired that the land declaration was incorrect then this could leave the decision open to challenge. Officers had not reason to consider that this would be the case.
A motion to approve the application in accordance with Officer recommendation was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.
Cllr Potter requested that her vote against the motion be recorded.
That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions and entering into an appropriate S106 legal agreement restricting the occupancy of the dwelling to agricultural workers and tying the property with the land holding.
1. 2 year time limit for commencement
2. Adopt amended plans
3. Removal of Permitted Development rights for external appearance, extensions/alterations and outbuildings.
4. Detailed design conditions
5. Maintain parking and turning space
6. Underground services
7. Recommended highway measures to be implemented
8. External lighting scheme to be approved
9. Climate mitigation measures to be implemented
Supporting documents:
0722-0909_Field Farm Onecotebjt, item 60/23
PDF 360 KB
Item 9 - Fields Farm, Onecote, item 60/23
PDF 329 KB