Agenda item

Full Application - Change of use of Agricultural Building to Storage Area For Mobile Toilets and use of Storage Tank for the Storage of the Waste From The Toilets - Application for Permanent Consent Following Temporary Consent as Granted at Appeal on 6 May 2014, Planning Application Ref: 0813/0716 at White House Farm, Wardlow


The Head of Law reminded the meeting that Cllr D Chapman had declared a personal prejudicial interest in this item and had therefore left the meeting whilst this matter was being discussed and voted upon.


It was noted that Members had visited the site on the previous day to examine the relationship of the proposal to the existing farm buildings, the village street scene together with the impact upon the conservation area.


In introducing the report the Officer replaced recommended conditions 7 with the following and added to recommend condition 9 as follows:


7.       The premises, the subject of the application, shall not be occupied until the on-site parking and turning spaces have been provided for in accordance with the application drawings laid out, constructed and maintained thereafter free from any impediment to designated use.


9.       In the event of the bund not being sealed the tank shall be emptied within one week and not be used again until the bund is sealed and the National Park Authority have provided written confirmation following inspection.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:-


·         Mrs Middleton, Objector

·         Mr Atkinson, Agent


Members expressed a concern regarding bringing waste into the National Park area and the long period of storage, but this is not supported by the Environmental Health Officers report.


Following Member discussion it was agreed that recommendations 3, 4 and 6 be amended as follows:


3.       Amended to make sure that the use shall cease if the land is disposed of separately from other parts of White House Farm

4.       delete ‘permitted’ to read ‘no changes’

6        amend to reflect that and changes to the odour management plan/procedure must be submitted to and approved by the Authority.


In light of Member concerns about the detrimental impact of  the storage of materials and unused farm machinery on the east side of the farm, it was agreed that the Chair would follow this up with the enforcement team to investigate these concerns and their impact on the conservation area.


Members also wished to see continued diligence by the Environmental Health Officer in monitoring of the site given the local community’s concerns.


Recommendation for the approval of the planning application subject to conditions as detailed in the report  and as amended above was moved and seconded, put to the vote and carried.


The motion for the approval was voted on and carried.




To APPROVE  the application subject to the following conditions:-


1.       The storage of units and ancillary emptying and washing activities shall occur only within the designated site area as shown on Drawing No. WOL– 595 –BAI PL-12 Rev C.  The number of toilets stored within the designated area shall not exceed 9 trailer units and 44 individual toilets


2.       All mechanical washing and emptying of the toilet units shall be carried out within the hours of 8am to 6pm Monday to Saturday inclusive. No machinery associated with the washing and emptying of toilets shall be operated outside of the specified time.


3.       The toilet storage use hereby permitted shall remain ancillary to and within the same planning unit as the White House Farm agricultural holding and the use shall cease if the land is disposed of separately from other parts of the White House Farm agricultural holding.


4.       Notwithstanding the 2005 Use Classes Order (or any order amending or re-enacting); the use hereby permitted shall be restricted to the use of the site for the storage of individual toilets and mobile trailer toilets as put forward within the application details and shown on the application drawings.  There shall be no changes to any alternative use.


5.       All human waste originating from the use hereby permitted shall be disposed of via a licensed waste disposal contractor.  Copies of all waste transfer documents shall be kept for a minimum period of 5 years and be available for inspection on demand by all relevant authorities.


6.       The use hereby approved shall only operate in full accordance with the odour management plan/procedure for emptying toilets as submitted, and which incorporates implementation and monitoring provisions.  Should any changes to the business occur, the applicant should review and amend the odour management plan/procedure and submit it to the Planning Authority for approval. In addition, it shall be reviewed annually to take into consideration any changes in legislation, Codes of Practice etc.  A copy of this plan along with records of all complaints and any associated documents received must be available for inspection on demand by all relevant authorities. 


7.       The premises, the subject of the application, shall not be occupied until the on-site parking and turning spaces have been provided for in accordance with the application drawings laid out, constructed and maintained thereafter free from any impediment to designated use.


8.       The filter to the waste storage tank shall be changed strictly in full accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and records kept for at least 5 years detailing when each filter was replaced.  These records must include copies of any invoices, receipts etc. and maintained available for inspection by all relevant authorities.


9.       Within one month of the date of this consent the existing bund around the bulk waste storage tank shall be sealed in order to provide the necessary secure containment required in the event of a tank wall leak/failure.  Written notification of completion to be provided to the Authority along with reasonable access for inspection.  In the event the bund is not sealed, the tank shall be emptied within one week and shall not be used again until the bund is sealed and the National Park Authority have provided written confirmation following their inspection.


In accordance with Standing Order 1.12(2) Cllr Mrs K Potter asked that her vote against this decision be recorded.


In accordance with the Authority’s standing orders the committee voted to continue the meeting beyond 1 pm.


Cllr Mrs H Gaddum and Cllr H Laws left the meeting following consideration of this item.


Following consideration of this item the meeting was adjourned from 1.30 pm to 2.00 pm

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