Agenda item

Full Application - Erection of New House and Garage Incorporating Changes to Approval given for similar on the site (Ref Np/Ddd/0311/0196) At Former Glen Cottage, Riddings Lane, Curbar


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Dr Peter Owens, Objector

·         Ms Marita Oury, Applicant


It was noted that, although registered to speak, David Nicholson had been unable to attend.


Members noted the scheme proposed minor amendments to a previous application which was approved in 2011.


The recommendation for approval of the planning application subject to conditions as detailed in the report was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions.


1.       Development not to be carried out otherwise than in accordance with specified amended plans.


2.       Removal of permitted development rights for external alterations, extensions outbuildings, solar or photovoltaic panels, hard standing, walls, fences and other means of enclosure to approved dwelling.


3.       None of the existing trees to be felled unless in accordance with a detailed scheme (to include details of trees to be felled along with species and size of any replacement trees) which shall have first been approved by the Authority.


4.       Detailed scheme of landscaping to be submitted and approved prior to the first occupation of the dwelling (including trees to be retained, new planting, earth mounding, re-seeding, walls, gates and hard standing) and to be implemented as part of the development.


5.       Conditions to specify or require prior approval of architectural and design details for the dwelling including, stonework, roof materials, windows and door design and finish, rainwater goods, solar panels and omitting chimney from garage.


6.       Parking and turning areas to be laid and constructed prior to occupation and maintained in perpetuity.


7.       The flat above the garage hereby approved shall not be occupied at any time other than for purposes ancillary to the residential use of the dwelling hereby approved. The main house and ancillary accommodation shall be maintained as a single planning unit.


During consideration of this item at 3.20pm Cllr S Wattam left the meeting.


Supporting documents: