Agenda item

Performance and Business Plan 2015/16 (A.197/WA)


The Senior Performance Officer introduced the report on the draft Performance and Business Plan 2015/16, which asked Members to approve it as a reflection of the Authority’s achievements over the past twelve months and its focus of activity for the year ahead.


It was noted that any minor corrections could be notified to the Senior Performance Officer within the next two weeks.


The Chair of the Audit, Resources and Performance Committee stated that the Committee had discussed and supported the performance sections of the Plan and he was happy to move the recommendation.  This was seconded.


Members discussed the Plan and it was noted that they did not like the use of the word ‘cease’ and would prefer ‘review’ on indicators and more explanation regarding such items. 

The Chief Executive stated that there would be a reduction in corporate indicators and that Members’ views that climate change and built environment were important were noted.


The recommendation as moved was then voted on and carried.




To approve the draft Performance and Business Plan 2015/16, subject to

approval of the proposed performance indicators and targets for 2015/16 and with the completion of details delegated to the Chief Executive, for publication by 30 June 2015.


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