Agenda item
Planning Appeals Annual Report
This Item was brought forward in the agenda as the meeting was ahead of schedule and speakers had not arrived for other items.
The Head of Planning introduced the report which summarised the work carried out on Planning Appeals over the period 2022/2023.
Members queried if a debriefing would be taking place for the recent public enquiry regarding the appeal against the Enforcement Notice at Thornbridge Hall to see what lessons can be learned. The Head of Planning confirmed that he had met with the Vice Chair of Planning Committee and the Chair of the Authority to discuss lessons learned, and that a summary of their conclusions would be circulated to Members shortly. He also stated his intent to write to the Planning Inspectorate regarding issues raised by the decision and the special weight added to planning applications and the nesting of designations within a national park.
To note the report.
Supporting documents:
- Annual Report on Planning Appeals 2022-2023bjt, item 73/23 PDF 212 KB
- Appendix 1 List of Appeals Allowed 2022-2023, item 73/23 PDF 130 KB