Agenda item
Full Application - Change of use from domestic garden to camping pod site at Top Riley, Riley Lane, Eyam (NP/DDD/1121/1299, JS)
The report was presented by the Planning Officer who outlined the reasons for refusal as set out in the report.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Roger Yarwood, Agent
The Head of Planning clarified that the public right of way referred to in condition 2 of Item 14 referred to a route which followed the line of the highway which connects pedestrian rights of way and was down for refusal due to the likely detrimental impact on pedestrian’s experiences rather than their safety.
He also stated that allowing permanent larger pods furnished with kitchen, bedroom and bathroom facilities moved the intent of policy from small, simple camping structures to something more akin to chalets which are resisted in principle by strategic policy. This would effectively undermine the strategic policy approach with potential for proliferation of larger and permanent structures in the landscape with impacts to the special qualities of the area and its reasons for designation as a National Park.. For this reason, if members were minded to approve the application he would defer it under section 1.48 of Standing Orders as a departure from policy with a report to be prepared and considered at a subsequent committee.
Members noted that the site was secluded and not prominent in the landscape, and expressed a desire to support schemes which would bring visitors to the National Park. Also, it was noted that as the applicant did not own the land where the passing place was proposed, an agreement with the Highways Authority would be necessary.
A proposal to approve the application was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.
1. That members be minded to APPROVE the application (subject to a s278 agreement to secure the passing places) and subject to a further report as set out below;
2. The Head of Planning having given notice of his intention under Standing Order 1.48, that final determination of the matter shall be dealt with at a subsequent meeting of the Committee in order to prepare a report which considers the implications for adopted policies and the therefore the soundness of an approval in this case
3. During the deferment, officers
will also consider recommendations on any conditions should the application ultimately be approved.
Supporting documents: