Agenda item
Full application - Reinstatement of Lower Holt Farm, Barber Booth, Edale for a new dwelling and associated works at Lower Holt Farm, Barber Booth Road, Edale (NP/HPK/0722/0910, WE)
Some Members had visited the site the previous day.
Cllr Brady left the meeting due to a prejudicial interest in this item and did not return. Mr Smith, Vice Chair, took over the role of Chair.
The report was presented by the Planning Officer who clarified that the proposal was for the demolition of the current ruins and the erection of a new build agricultural workers dwelling and outlined the reasons for refusal as set out in the report.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Caroline McIntyre – Agent
Members expressed concerns about the location of the solar panels and whether they would be visible from surrounding hills. They also discussed the plans for the layout of the driveway which was being moved away from the established track to a more direct route.
A motion to approve the application was moved and seconded.
Members expressed support for the applicant’s need to live on the site of his farming business and felt that the replacement of the current building ruins was desirable. They also noted that there was a history of occupation of the site although officers clarified any such residential occupation had been long abandoned.
The Planning Officer advised that if the application was approved, the package treatment plan and drainage field would have to be located within the application site area and the solar panels would have to be relocated within the curtilage and that these would require an amended site plan. Also, a Section 106 Agreement would be necessary to tie the property to the agricultural need. This would also have the effect of making the applicant’s land a single planning unit.
The Head of Planning reminded Members of the designated conservation area in the Edale Valley where this application lies.
The Planning Officer confirmed that if the application was to be approved, a S106 legal agreement and the following conditions would be necessary.
- Commence development within 3 years.
- Define approved plans amended to show solar panels relocated within the curtilage and the red line application site area expanded to include the packaged sewage treatment plant and drainage field together with details of proposed location of the ground source heat pump coils.
- Removal of permitted development rights .
- Agree sample stone walling panel
- Agree sample roof tile
- Agree details of timber window frames and doors.
- Minor architectural and design details
- Submit for approval details of the sewage treatment plant and drainage field.
- Underground utility services
- No external lighting other than in accordance with details agreed in writing.
- Carry out access improvements
- Submit detailed landscaping scheme for hard and soft landscape works approval.
- Provide details of reinstatement of existing section of access track bypassed by new track or amend red line to omit and use existing track.
- WSI for a programme of Historic Building Recording before demolition.
- Agree finished floor level of new house in relation to current site levels.
- Agree details of solar panels.
- Carry out in accordance with mitigation, compensation and enhancement measures.
- Footnote re license required from Natural England for destruction of bat roost.
The motion to approve the application subject to conditions and subject to the 106 agreement was voted on and carried.
To delegate approval of the application to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Vice Chair of Planning Committee, approval to be subject to the prior entry into a Section 106 agreement restricting the occupancy of the dwelling to an agricultural worker and tying the new house to all the owned land and the farm buildings and the following conditions:
- Commence development within 3 years.
- Define approved plans amended to show solar panels relocated within the curtilage and the red line application site area expanded to include the packaged sewage treatment plant and drainage field together with details of proposed location of the ground source heat pump coils.
- Removal of permitted development rights .
- Agree sample stone walling panel
- Agree sample roof tile
- Agree details of timber window frames and doors.
- Minor architectural and design details
- Submit for approval details of the sewage treatment plant and drainage field.
- Underground utility services
- No external lighting other than in accordance with details agreed in writing.
- Carry out access improvements
- Submit detailed landscaping scheme for hard and soft landscape works approval.
- Provide details of reinstatement of existing section of access track bypassed by new track or amend red line to omit and use existing track.
- WSI for a programme of Historic Building Recording before demolition.
- Agree finished floor level of new house in relation to current site levels.
- Agree details of solar panels.
- Carry out in accordance with mitigation, compensation and enhancement measures.
- Footnote re license required from Natural England for destruction of bat roost.
Supporting documents:
- 0722-0910_Lower Holt Farm Committee Report, item 84/23 PDF 381 KB
- Item 17 - Lower Holt Farm, Barber Booth, item 84/23 PDF 630 KB