Agenda item

Notice of Motion

In accordance with Standing Order 1.14, one Member has given notice that they intend to move the following motion:



In accordance with Standing Order 1.14 one Member had given notice of their intention to move the following motion:


Moved by Cllr Patrick Brady, seconded by Cllr Judith Twigg:


Part A


1. That a new Standing Order 1.3A be introduced to read as follows:

a) The Authority shall approve and thereafter keep under review a statement, to be known as “the Democratic Principles”, the purpose of which shall include advice to

guide Members on factors to be taken into consideration when electing or appointing Members to an office or position.

b) Before the Authority elects or appoints a Member to a position of responsibility, the Chief Executive shall draw to the attention of members the Democratic Principles or the relevant section thereof.


2. That Standing Orders 1.4(2) and 1.39(2) be omitted.


3. That Standing Order 1.40 (Appointment of Standing Committees)

be amended by the deletion of:

a) Para 3(i) (The Chair and Deputy Chair of the Authority to be ex-officio)

b) Para 3(iii) (The Chair of the other Standing Committees to be ex-officio)

c) Para 4 (The Vice-Chair to attend ex-officio if the Chair is absent)


4. That there be substituted for Standing Order 1.45 (Ex-officio Membership of Committees and Sub-committees) the following:

(1) On the basis set out in Paras (2) and (4) below, Chair and Deputy Chair of the Authority or the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Standing Committees may attend meetings of Standing Committees other than those to which they have been

appointed subject to the normal rules governing debate and participation in meetings, and may take part in the discussion (but may not vote nor propose a motion or

amendment) unless:

(i) it would be unlawful or contrary to any of the Authority’s procedures, codes or other protocols to do so; or

(ii) the Authority or, in the case of the appointment of a Sub-committee, the Committee in a particular case determines otherwise.

(2) The Chair and Deputy Chair of the Authority and a Chair of a Committee may attend a meeting of a Standing Committee;

(3) The Chair of a Committee may attend a meeting of a Subcommittee appointed by the Committee on the same basis as in Para (1) above;

(4) Under Paras (2) and (3), the Chair of a Committee may appoint the Vice-Chair to attend in his/her place.


Part B


That there be substituted for the Democratic Principles, the principles set out in Appendix 1 (attached).


The motion was moved and seconded. In accordance with Standing Order 1.25, the motion now stands adjourned without discussion until the next ordinary meeting of the Authority on 3 July 2015.


Supporting documents: