Agenda item

Full Application - Change of Use of 'Croft' to Domestic Curtilage, Erection of Gritstone Clad Retaining Wall and Associated Ground Works at the Former Goldcrest Engineering Site, Main Road, Stanton in Peak


It was noted that Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Mr I Mortimer, Objector.


Members were concerned about the size of the proposal, the layout and the curtilage.  In response to Members’ queries the Planning Officer stated that condition 2 of the recommendation could be amended to include details of surfacing materials and disposal of soil to be submitted and approved.


A motion for refusal on grounds of the effects of the design, layout and curtilage on the surrounding area, conservation area and neighbours was moved and seconded.


The motion for refusal was voted on and carried.  Cllr D Birkinshaw requested that his vote against the motion be recorded.




That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:


1.    By virtue of the siting, design and layout of the proposed development, the extended domestic curtilage would harm the special qualities of an important open space in a Conservation Area, would not reflect or respect the locally distinctive pattern of development of the village, and would detract from the setting of the Conservation Area.

2.     By virtue of the siting, design and layout of the proposed development, the relationship between the application site and the neighbouring property, and the change in levels between the application site and the neighbouring property, the proposed change of use and associated activities would detract from the living conditions of the neighbouring property . 

3.    By virtue of the siting, design and layout of the retaining wall and the proposed estate fencing, the retention of the retaining wall and associated earthworks, and the erection of the estate fencing would not only exacerbate the harmful visual impact of the proposed development and the harmful impact of the proposed development and associated activities on the amenities of the neighbouring property, as identified above, but these proposals would also detract from the character and appearance of the local area in their own right

Supporting documents: