Agenda item

Members Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.


Item 9:


Cllr P Brady declared that he had a slight acquaintance with Mr A Sebire, who had sent him an email in objection to the proposals.


Cllr Mrs J Twigg had received 2 emails relating to this item.


Mr P Ancell had been contacted by Mr A Sebire re general landscaping considerations.


Item 10:


The Chair noted that prior to the last meeting on 12 June, from which this item had been deferred, most Members had received correspondence from an Agent. Members had received no further correspondence since that time.


Mr P Ancell had been contacted by Ms S Jones and had been copied in on correspondence from the Agent.


Item 12:


Cllr Mrs K Potter had received a letter from Dr P Owens.


Cllr Mrs N Hawkins had received a letter from Dr P Owens.


Cllr P Brady declared a personal interest because the applicant uses his fields for grazing sheep. He would not take part in the debate or voting on this item.


Mrs S McGuire had received a letter and attachments from Dr P Owens.


Item 14:


Cllr H Laws had received an email from Mr A Sebire


Officers Declarations of Interests


Item 6:


John Scott, Director of Planning declared a personal interest in this item as he had previously worked as a planning consultant for the applicant.