Agenda item

Retrospective Application for The Replacement of an Agricultural Building - Land Adjacent to Cornerways, Curbar Lane, Curbar


The officer reported that an agricultural appraisal had been submitted as requested by Members when the last application had been refused by the Planning Committee in September 2014.


The following spoke under the Authority’s Public Participation Scheme:


·         Dr P Owens, Objector

·         Cllr D Nicholson, Chair of Curbar Parish Council, Objector

·         Mr J Oldfield, Agent


A motion for refusal was moved and seconded on the basis of landscape impact, but fell when put to the vote. The recommendation for approval was then moved, seconded, voted upon and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:



The building shall only be used for agriculture on the holding and shall be removed from the site when no longer required for the purposes of agriculture.


Supporting documents: