Agenda item
Full Application - Proposed restoration and extension of Thornseat Lodge and ancillary buildings to form holiday accommodation and guest facilities; erection of events venue; alterations to existing access including parking facilities; enhanced site landscaping at Thornseat Lodge, Mortimer Road, Sheffield (NP/S/01022/1300, JRS)
The report was introduced by the Planning Officer who outlined the conditions if Members were minded to approve the application.
The Chair summarised the email that some Members had received from CPRE which expressed some concerns over the approval of this application, especially regarding parking and the enforcement of noise management.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Mark Boyd, Agent
· Rachel Woodhouse-Hague, Supporter
A motion to approve the application subject to the conditions set out in the recommendation was proposed and seconded.
Members asked officers and the agent to consider the possibility of solar panels and it was confirmed that this would be considered.
The motion to approve the application was voted on and carried.
That, subject to the prior entry into a section 106 legal agreement preventing the use of other land and buildings in the applicant’s ownership from being used for commercial events, including weddings, under “permitted development rights”, the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:
1 Statutory 3-year commencement.
2 Compliance with submitted plans and specifications, with use of buildings to be as described in the application, subject to the following:
3 Detailed design conditions, subject to agreeing a revised scheme for the rear extension to the Lodge. Detailed conditions to cover:
• All new stonework to match existing in terms of coursing, pointing, colour and texture.
• All new roofing slates to match existing.
• Submit and agree details of all doors and windows on all buildings and the glazing to the courtyard roof, including materials, profiles, method of opening, external finish, recess, and any surrounds.
• Agree schedule of all internal skirting boards, architraves, and doors and other internal features to be retained.
4 Submit and agree samples of materials (walling stone and roof slates) for all new and restored buildings.
5 Submit details of rainwater goods, and external flues and vents.
6 Agree details of any rooflights.
7 Submit and agree comprehensive landscaping and site management, including measures for tree protection, any hard surfacing and boundary treatment.
8 Archaeology, landscape and building recording condition.
9 Surface water management to be in accordance with submitted details.
10 Submit and agree a detailed Transport and Travel Management Plan; development to be operated in accordance with approved details.
11 Submit and agree a detailed noise management plan: development to be operated in accordance with approved plan. This shall include measures to address the Natural England recommendations (see report in appendix).
12 All external lighting to be in accordance with approved details.
13 Submit and agree details of further testing of topsoil and resultant remediation for lead; development to be implemented in accordance with approved plan.
14 The release of fireworks or sky lanterns, or any other such devices that cause short-term but significant noise and light disturbance, and fire risk, will not be permitted during any function held at Thornseat Lodge, at any time of the year. Guests of the holiday apartments shall also be subject to the same restriction during their stay at Thornseat Lodge.
15 Any service lines associated with development should be placed underground.
16 Submit and agree details of package sewage treatment plant.
17 Submit and agree a Bird and Bat Mitigation Plan; carry out development in accordance with approved plan.
18 Submit and agree a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) and a Landscape and Ecology Management Plan (LEMP); development to be implemented in accordance with approved plans.
19 Carry out in accordance with sustainable building and climate change proposals submitted with the application with the biomass boiler installed and operational before the buildings are first brought into use. Including written verification of compliance to be provided within one month of premises coming into use.
20 Carry out in accordance with agreed drainage plan.
21 Submit/carry out in accordance with any requirements arising from the Highway Authority’s response when it is received.
22 That the approval of the revised plans for the design of the rear extension to the Lodge be delegated to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning.
Supporting documents:
1022-1300_ Thornseat Lodge.Conditionsv2, item 90/23
PDF 432 KB
Item 6 - Thornseat Lodge, Sheffield, item 90/23
PDF 498 KB