Agenda item
Statement of Community Involvement (CW)
This Item was brought forward as the meeting was ahead of schedule and the speaker for the next item had not yet arrived.
The report was introduced by the Community Policy Planner. She pointed out that there had been a minor amendment to the report in Paragraph 6.9 to correct a reference to delegating powers which was being discussed with the Chair of Planning.
Members encouraged the continuation of advertising planning applications in local newspapers.
Members asked for a change in wording to paragraph 2.6.3 of the report to make it clear that the Peak Park Parishes Forum can make representations to the Planning Authority regardless of if they have been consulted on an application or not.
A motion to accept the recommendations was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.
1. That, subject to any further comments, members agree the draft revised version of the Statement of Community Involvement at Appendix 1; and
2. In accordance with the authorisation granted by full Authority on the 19th May 2023, that approval of the final version be passed to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee.
Supporting documents:
- Draft SCI Report for Plng Com SEP23, item 110/23 PDF 201 KB
- Appendix 1 - Draft SCI for Plng Committe JUL23, item 110/23 PDF 1 MB
- Appendix 2 - Summary of Comments Received JUL23, item 110/23 PDF 314 KB