Agenda item

Full Application - To repair Magdalen Road (private carriage road and bridleway). To replace a collapsed stone culvert with plastic pipe and repair the track using locally sourced sandstone. The final covering will be 20mm to dust. The wheel marks made during the work will be filled separately, leaving grass in the centre. Public bridleway Meltham/50, Magdalen Road, Meltham Moor, Meltham (NP/K/0121/0026, JRS)


The report was introduced by the Planning Officer who laid out the reasons for approval as set out in the report.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Robert Howard, supporter


Members queried the impact that the works would have on the public and if there were any provisions to prevent future washouts on the track. Officers replied that the work would be carried out without affecting the public and that drainage would be fitted under the track to prevent washouts.


A motion to approve the application was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.




To APPROVE the planning application subject to the following conditions:























Statutory time limit for implementation.


Development in accordance with the submitted plans and specifications, subject to the following conditions:


Submit a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for approval; carry out scheme in accordance with approved plan.


A programme of timing of the works be agreed to avoid the bird nesting season in the designated SPA.


Agree sample/specifications of stone to be used for surfacing and carry out a sample section of surfacing for approval prior to carrying out the scheme.


Agree the location of any storage areas for materials.




Supporting documents: