Agenda item

Derbyshire County Council Safer Roads Schemes (A5004 Long Hill and A5012 Via Gellia TN


The Transport Policy Planner presented the report to Members to inform them on the proposed Derbyshire County Council Safer Roads Scheme on the A5004 Long Hill and the A5012 Via Gellia, and whether to formalise or withdraw the current holding objections to each scheme which had been submitted by Officers to both schemes, and which are still in existence.


The Transport Policy Planner introduced the report and informed Members that the A5004 Long Hill Scheme holding objection could be lifted as the remedial works proposed could be accommodated in the landscape with minimal impact but the A5012 holding objection would remain as it couldn’t be successfully mitigated.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Mr Robin Heath, Whitehall Centre

·         Mr Kevin Parkes & Mr Gary Thompson – Derbyshire County Council, Highways


Members agreed that a solution to reducing the speed by road users was needed, but it was considered that a more detailed discussion was needed. Members were concerned that cameras and the associated infrastructure would be obtrusive and that the proposed urbanisation in the landscape would be significant as well as the negative effects on dark skies.  There was also concern that by introducing restrictions onto these 2 roads the problems would move to other roads, so we should look at other ways of working more with the Police and enforcement, and be more proactive then reactive.


A motion to amend recommendation 1  to formalise the holding objection on  the A5004  Long Hill Scheme on the basis of objections to proposals regarding Old Road near to the Whitehall Residential Centre,  and to amend recommendation 3 to note ongoing negotiations between officers and representatives of Derbyshire County Council and the Department for Transport on the  A5004 Long Hill and A5012 Via Gellia schemes, in order to try and reach a mutually agreeable solution, was proposed,, seconded, voted on and carried.





1.     That Members approve formally objecting to the A5004 Long Hill scheme  on the basis of objections to proposals regarding Old Road and to negotiate what can be done.


2.     That Members approve formally objecting to the A5012 Via Gellia scheme on the basis that the treatments at Grange Mill cannot be sufficiently mitigated.


3.     That Members note ongoing negotiations between officers and representatives of Derbyshire County Council and the Department for Transport on the  A5004 Long Hill and A5012 Via Gellia schemes, in order to try and reach a mutually agreeable solution.  That if an agreeable solution can be found, Members approve delegating removing the formal objections to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chair.




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