Agenda item
Programmes & Resources Committee Programme Plan For 2023-24 (EF)
The Interim Head of Resources introduced the report to Members which was to review and approve the programme themes for the Programmes and Resources Committee (P&R) for 2023-24. It was agreed by Members in July 2022 that the programme themes would be aligned with the four emerging National Park Management Plan Aims, which were Climate Change, Landscape & Nature Recovery, A Welcoming Place and Thriving Communities.
The Interim Head of Resources reported that there had been good progress across the four themes over the past year, so the proposal was that the approach would continue whereby the 4 programme themes would be presented to the Programmes & Resources Committee over the next year 2023/24.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Mr Roger Savory- spoke with regard to enforcement issues at Cressbrook Dale. The Chair had to stop him part way through his speaking allocation as the speech was not relevant to the issues in the report. The Chair stated that allocation for speaking on the enforcement issues at Cressbrook Dale would be available at the Planning Committee.
· Ms Clare Gamble – spoke with regard to Cressbrook Dale linked to the report in the context of nature recovery
· Mr John Oxspring – spoke with regard to Cressbrook Dale linked to the report in the context of nature recovery
Members queried if public speakers were asked what they are going to speak on when they are giving notice to speak. It was noted that for Planning Committee speakers are asked to confirm if they are speaking in support or against an application but not for other items. The current public participation scheme states that speeches should be relevant to the report being considered.
Members noted that the Climate Change theme had already been discussed at the last Programmes & Resources Committee in September, and the Thriving Communities theme would look at the progress that had been made on delivering objectives.
Cllr Brady, Chair of Planning Committee, stated that the Authority’s public participation scheme needed to be reviewed as it was currently too restrictive.
The recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.
1. Members agreed the four programme themes aligned with the National Park Management Plan aims and the forward work plan fortheProgrammes and Resources Committee meetings for 2023-24:
· Climate Change (1st September 2023)
· Landscape and Nature Recovery (1st December 2023)
· Welcoming Place (19th January 2024)
· Thriving communities (26 April 2024)
Supporting documents: