Agenda item
Retrospective Planning Consent (re-submission) for the retention of a shepherds hut for tourist accommodation and for ancillary washroom on land to the west side of Townend Lane, Waterfall, Waterhouses. (NP/SM/0623/0743, SC)
The report was introduced by the Planning Officer who reminded Members that this application was a re-submission of a previously submitted application that was refused by the Planning Committee in August 2022.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Allen Newby, Applicant
Members considered that the proposal did not support farm diversification as it was not located close to the main farm and was in an isolated location in the open countryside.
A motion to refuse the application in line with the Officer recommendation was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:
1. The siting of a single shepherds hut for holiday accommodation in this location fails to accord with adopted planning policies DMR1 and DME2 because it does not support farm diversification and is not located close to the facilities of a farmstead.
2. By virtue of the form, design and isolated location in open countryside, the existing Shepherds Hut and the proposed ancillary washroom does not meet the criteria set out in part A of Core Strategy Policy L1, which requires development to conserve and enhance the valued landscape character of the area.
Supporting documents:
- 0623-0743_Land on west side of Townend Lane Waterfall, item 124/23 PDF 269 KB
- Item 6 - Townend Lane, Waterfall, item 124/23 PDF 378 KB