Agenda item

Full Application - Conversion of former garage & workshop to form single dwelling at Hill Cross, Ashford in the Water. NP/DD0223/0147, SC)


The report was introduced by the Planning Officer who laid out the reasons for approval as set out in the report.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


  • Nick Marriott, Agent


Members supported the proposal, but were concerned that it could then become another holiday let and asked whether it could be controlled by a condition.  The Planning Officer reported that the Authority had no control over holiday lets, and that there was no policy to put a condition on it as yet, but that it could be a debate to be had in the future.


A motion to approve the application was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.            3 year time limit.

2.            Adoption of submitted plans.

3.            Design and materials.

4.            Approval of details for bin storage

5.            Climate change mitigation measures to be implemented.


Supporting documents: