Agenda item

Monitoring & Enforcement Quarterly Review - October 2023 (A1533/AJC)


The report was introduced by the Monitoring and Enforcement Team Manager.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Jane Money – in regard to Cressbrook Dale

·         Clare Gamble – in regard to Cressbrook Dale

·         John Oxspring - in regard to Cressbrook Dale


The Officer then gave an update on case ref: 20/0141 at 343 Woodhead Road, Holme in that the enforcement notice had now been withdrawn due to the Highways Authority now withdrawing their objections in respect of the current retrospective planning application so there was no reason to continue with the enforcement notice now. 


An enforcement notice was issued on the 29th September for Rocking Stone Farm following the retrospective planning application being refused at the Planning Committee in September.  This was due to come into effect on the 3rd November unless an appeal against the enforcement notice is submitted.  An appeal hasdbeen submitted against the refusal of the planning permission.


The Officer then shared “before and after” photographs of a resolved case, 17/0042, Land near Coombes Tor, Glossop, where a wireless broad band mast had been erected, and has since been removed.  He also drew attention to the review of outstanding cases which is currently being carried out which is anticipated will result in a significant reduction over the next few months, and an update will be provided in the next quarterly report.


Members asked for an update on case 15/0057 at Mickleden Edge, Midhope Moor.  The Officer reported that they were in contact with Natural England who had stated that an appeal to challenge some or all of the conditions attached to the SSSI consent had been lodged.  The Officer also reported that the Authority was in discussions with the planning consultant regarding case 18/0062 at Cartledge Flat, Bradfield Moors, as they are considering submitting a further planning application to retain the development in some form, otherwise the Authority will be seeking compliance with the enforcement notice as soon as possible.


The Chair and Members of the Planning Committee thanked the Cressbrook Community for sharing their concerns regarding case 22/0040, and that their contribution has been invaluable.


The recommendation was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




That the report be noted.


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