Agenda item

Apologies for Absence, Roll Call of Members Present and Members Declarations of Interest


Unless otherwise indicated the interest declared is not one which comprises a disclosable pecuniary interest or one that would indicate that the member concerned would not keep a fair and open mind on the issue.


Item 5


All members had received a letter from Birchover Parish Council.


Cllr Buckler was previously DDDC Councillor and covered the Stanton Moor area.


Cllr Potter declared that she is a member of the Stanton Moor Liaison Group and leaves the room when this matter is discussed.


Item 8


Cllr Brady is acquainted with the applicant but had not discussed the application.


Item 9


Cllr Brady declared that he knew the agent professionally, but they had not discussed the application.


Item 12


All members declared an interest in this item as it related to property which is owned by the Peak District National Park Authority.