Agenda item

Member Appointment to Outside Bodies (SLF)


This report was presented to the Members by Rhodri Thomas, Team Manager for Land and Nature.  The purpose of the report was to appoint the Member Champion for Natural Environment, Biodiversity and Farming as a representative for the Authority, to the Board of the Derbyshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy and the Steering Group of the Staffordshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy and to any other body or event requiring Member involvement within the context of nature recovery. 


The recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




1.    To appoint the Member Champion for Natural Environment, Biodiversity and Farming to:

·         the Board of the Derbyshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy

·         the Steering Group of the Staffordshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy


2.     To delegate appointment of the Member Champion for Natural Environment, Biodiversity and Farming to any other body or event requiring Member involvement within the context of nature recovery to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Authority.


3.     That attendance at meetings of these bodies and/or events are approved duties for the payment of travel and subsistence allowances as set out in Schedule 2 of the Members’ Allowances Scheme

Supporting documents: