Agenda item
Annual Report on Member Learning and Development (RC)
This report was presented to the Members by the Customer and Democratic Support Manager. The report set out the Member learning and development framework and the proposals for the next annual programme of Member learning and development events. The report also proposed a review of the current tools use in the learning and development framework, the events programme and the individual target hours for learning and development.
One area of learning that needed to be added into the Essential Learning & Development section for the Members was the online Data Security Training - there were some Members who had yet to complete this essential training and the Chair reminded members of the need to complete it.
Three new Members had recently attended the 3 day National Induction Training for National Park Authority Members and thoroughly recommended it to other new Members. They had found it was useful and most informative.
The recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.
1. To agree the Member learning and development framework (Appendix 1 of the report) and the events programme for January to December 2024 (Appendix 2 of the report).
2. To continue to record Member learning and development activities in terms of hours and include personal learning and development by Members outside of events organised by the Authority, with the target of 20 hours per Member in every 12 months.
3. To review the tools used by Members in the learning and development framework, the learning and development events programme and target hours for learning and development.
Supporting documents:
- 2023 MemberLearning&DevReport, item 98/23 PDF 212 KB
- 2023 Appendix 1 MemberLearningandDevelopmentFrameworkAppendix1forAnnualReportonMemberLearningandDevelopment, item 98/23 PDF 160 KB
- Appendix 2 2024TimetableMemberLearningandDevelopment, item 98/23 PDF 328 KB