Agenda item
Household Application - Demolish Existing Porch to Side Entrance Door, Replace With New Porch, The Old Parsonage, School Lane, Taddington (NP/DDD/0723/0862, LB)
Some Members had driven passed and observed the site the previous day.
The report was introduced by the Head of Planning who laid out the reasons for refusal as set out in the report.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Simon Bradbury, Agent – Submitted statement read out by Democratic Services.
The applicant Miss Lisa Salisbury and Partner were in attendance as observers.
Members discussed the application and recognised that this was an opportunity to enhance and improve what has currently been in existence for 80 years and that another design would be more appropriate to possibly include a pitched roof finished with slate instead of glass. It was suggested that this item be deferred and to authorise officers to approve if an alternative satisfactory design solution could be agreed with the applicants.
The motion to defer the application to allow for further discussions between the applicant and the officers was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.
To DEFER the application pending further discussions regarding the design between the applicant and planning officers,and that the decision be delegated to the Head of Planning who is authorised to grant permission subject to receipt of satisfactory details relating to the design and materials of the proposed porch.
Supporting documents:
- 0723-0862_The Old Parsonage, Taddington, item 140/23 PDF 332 KB
- Item 8 - The Old Parsonage, Taddington, item 140/23 PDF 472 KB