Agenda item
Full Application - For the Conversion of an Agricultural Building Into a Single Dwelling, at Hope Farm, Alstonefield (NP/SM/0823/0928, DH)
The report was introduced by the Planning Officer who laid out the reasons for refusal as detailed in the report.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Derek Hambling – Applicant
Members discussed the nature of the building and noted that this was not a traditional building and was not in character with other buildings in the National Park. A new structure to replace this building would achieve significant environment enhancement. The Members were generally minded to refuse this application but acknowledged the possibility of alternatives that fit in with the criteria of the National Park.
The motion to refuse the application was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.
That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:
· The building is not historic or traditional in terms of its massing and materials, therefore there is no justification for conversion to provide a viable use to ensure its longevity.
· The applicant does not have an eligible local need for new housing within the National Park and the current application is therefore contrary to policy HC1(A) of the Core Strategy.
· In this instance, there are no exceptional circumstances or any other material planning consideration that would justify a departure from the Authority’s adopted housing policies.
By virtue of the proposed development’s scale, it is considered that the proposal would not constitute an ancillary dwelling house. In the absence of a clear and robust justification for its size, it would not be subordinate to the farmhouse and would instead constitute a separate planning unit. It is therefore contrary to policy DMH5 and the Residential Annexes Supplementary Planning Document.
Supporting documents:
0823-0928_ Hope Farm Committee Report, item 142/23
PDF 431 KB
Item 10 - Hope Farm Alstonefield, item 142/23
PDF 456 KB